The following material can be gathered in the fields of Asgard.
Item description is taken from the RO2 SEA game.
Small Rock, Medium Rock and Large Rock can be gathered in West Mt. Mjolnir and East Mt. Mjolnir
Small Rock
Tiny rock fragments that is able to grab in hand. What can I do with this pebble?
Acquired through gathering ores. you can use it as an ingredient for crafting.
Medium Rock
Tractable normal size of rock. Rock never speak.
Acquired through gathering ores. you can use it as an ingredient for crafting.
Large Rock
Gigantic rocks that feel the power of the land. Great stone face!! That is you are!!
Acquired through gathering ores. you can use it as an ingredient for crafting.
Ingot that mixed with various metals. There is no standard for solidity and etc.
Blacksmiths' ingredient. You can acquire it by processing raw material.
Small Copper Ore, Medium Copper Ore and Large Copper Ore can be gathered in Southern Plains
Ingot that mixed with various metals. There is no standard for solidity and etc.
Blacksmiths' ingredient. You can acquire it by processing raw material.
Small Copper Ore, Medium Copper Ore and Large Copper Ore can be gathered in Southern Plains
Small Copper Ore
Small flakes of copper that is from rock.
Do not know is enabled or disabled...
Acquired through gathering ores. you can use it as an ingredient for crafting.
Medium Copper Ore
The proper size of the lump of copper to process.
Ah.. I thought that is gold..
Acquired through gathering ores. you can use it as an ingredient for crafting.
Large Copper Ore
Huge copper ore that could be molded large amount.
Even though this is so soft, metalis material.
Acquired through gathering ores. you can use it as an ingredient for crafting.
Copper Ingot
Ingot that made of extracted pure coppers.
Be careful when lightning occurs, right?
Blacksmith's ingredient
You can acquire it by processing raw material.
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